Comments on Esther ($10) All Comments

An Esther!

A very under appreciated name

Please tell me more about this character, they are ADORABLE

Gosh I know right? Esther is such a pretty name!

And thank you so much! I didn't expect anyone to like them!

I sadly don't have much info on her since this is an adoptable, and I didn't want to give them an entire backstory in case that wasn't liked

But, what I do know is that Esther is shy and diagnosed with bapy PFPFPF
She's always hiding behind her little hood or anywhere she can. She's not good with new people, and tends to run away, hide, or both
And she's an absolute nervous wreck! Doesn't talk much, but when she does, she has a small voice and mumbles a lot

Oh my god I want to hug her and tell her she's a precious bean and that she's appreciated and that I would literally fight Senator Armstrong to defend her.

Thank you for telling me all this, I love characters with big coats so this one immediately caught my eye.



Aww haha! I'm glad you like her so much!

And no problem! I'm always willing to tell others about my OCs!!