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“You shouldn’t drink something that smells so bad. I know it hurts but something that can’t love you can’t help you with your problem.” 

"This stuff has got me through thick and thin, man's best friend. Cheers to you little fluff" Pats head roughly

“But it doesn’t help you in the long run. All it will do is make you said and suffer later. Plus it doesn’t last forever.” 

Stares at the little caring creature before him, and finishes his last beer. "For you little one, I'll stop at that for the night" Pats her head again

She would stand on her hind legs to hug his arm. “Try not drinking it tomorrow too, see if you feel better then as well.” 

"For you little one, your puppy eyes got to me. I'll try, but no promises" Pets her head gently.

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