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Hey. I'm having a bit of trouble adding the image in the circle.

Everytime I add an image (I've tried multiple), it stretches the circle out, and the image is at the bottom of the circle and isn't fitting in the circle properly.

I don't know what's going on

could you send me the code you're having trouble with? i just tested several images myself and wasn't able to recreate the issue :<


Just a lil confused.

What do you mean by send?

Like an image, or-

i mean the text, the code with the edits youve made ! c:


Alright. I'll just send you a dm

(Hope it's alright if I just copy and paste it)

yup, that's worked just fine !

first off, are you sure you're editing with WYSIWYG (the toggle in the top right of the code editor) off? like it says in the code preface, that quite often breaks things in unexpected ways because the editor isn't made for more complicated html layouts, so it's much safer and easier to do with that toggled off - i ask because parts of the code you've sent are unspaced and some classes are present that aren't in the original, which both tend to happen when html layouts are edited with WYSIWYG on (sometimes the page needs to be reloaded with it off before pasting the initial code to fix the spacing, too)

the exact issue seems to be that the position:absolute; declaration was removed, putting that back on the main icon image you're editing (right after the section where it says style=") should fix the formatting ! :>

that said, i'd recommend starting the edits over by copying the provided code again and making sure WYSIWYG is toggled off when pasted in, as it'll make the process much less unpredictable - thankfully it looks like the only things you'd have to redo are adding the background and changing a few colors

let me know if you need any more help beyond that!

2 Replies