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Heya! !’d like to offer a Detailed Sketch Headshot in exchange of this character! !

Please look through my instagram ke___i0 for the examples 🦖✨

Omg I really like your style it looks stunning. I browsed through your instagram and didn’t seem to find anything that resembled sketch all of them looked finnished 😭 Do you have any sketch examples that I could see?

I can accept art for chibi and genshin inspired one but I’m very picky with 3rd one.

Tysm :’D! ! And here’s a link of my carrd portfolio! Scroll down and you’ll see “doodles and wips” ^^

Also, could you confirm the genshin one, is it the one with a lot of red? : o

Yes the Genshin based is red one. Sorry for asking but what would full offer be for that one. As in what type of art? (sketch,colored,rendered) and what size?

I’d would like to give Rendered Headshot Style 2 for that one ^__^✨

Is style 2 the one in first section lower. The one where you mainly draw boys?

3 Replies