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I'm interested of paying this baby!!

hi Floki ✨ how long, how are you? ^^

For how much would you like to buy it?

Hey Bee, i am doing food so far. :3 How are you? How are things?

As the price you are selling this baby through PayPal.

I'm good thanks, I found some jobs to do so I don't depend on commissions I always wanted to write to them every now and then but on discord they didn't answer and I was worried TT but I'm glad they are ok <3

I accept your offer then. Feel free to send the 10€ to this email //////////////

Glad to hear that you doing good, Bee!! That awesome to hear that you found some jobs, I am proud of you!! :3 πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š When you feel is the right time to tell everyone about your commissions and that you have some jobs your doing right now. They'll understand about your situation, Bee. Do what "you" feel is best for you. Okay :) I love ya, Bee and i will always be your friend.πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š

Thanks, I kind of wanted to step away from Social Media for a while until I was ready going back. I could tell you more on Discord, if you want?

I have sent the payment to your Paypal, Bee!!

Received, thanks! Design transferred πŸ’–βœ¨

Thanks for these words, finding work was difficult due to my anxiety and shyness but I did it! Now I open the commissions every now and then so as to earn some extras but everything is quieter ^^ If they want to talk to me I am always available, due to our time zones I may not reply immediately but I'll as soon as possibleπŸ‘ they know my discord nick ;3

love ya πŸ’–

ps. I apologize if I made mistakes with your pronouns, I remembered that you use they / them but in some sentences I noticed mistakes qq