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Ok but.... what if... they were friends:

I love her design!

OMG zandalari pirates are just so good,, they do give me captains that are old friends vibes, meeting for transaction/informations from time to time. i love her design too, trying to developp her as we speak! it's my first pirate char so i'm excited ♥

That's so awesome, and hell yea I'm totally down for them having old friend vibes with occasional meetings/ exchanges :D

would be lovely!! still need to think more about what to do with her but maybe if i don't change anything and if you're still on board we could get a piece of them done one day! (heads up tho i don't really rp in english :'))

that's totally fine and I understand! English is my second language so I understand that all too well xD I am sure you'll come up with a great story for your lady!