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aww omg, that sounds so precious, i love the rivalry aspect too hehe how cute!!! i do sometimes! im a little rusty at RP, as i havent done it in so long.. since i was on dA last year haha! XD but i do like to hc sometimes and doodle them out, its fun! * 7 *)// making little buddies is the best wAAH

omg if you would ever like to roleplay or have characters be friends, that would be so much fun! I love to doodle silly headcanons and cute headcanons and ahhh they're all so great!

oooh!!! id love to make friends ^_^ a lot of my oc are feudal type, i hope thats okay T w T )/// me tooo! thinking up all the fun stuff they can do.. PFF!!

That's totally fine! You have such pretty ocs ahhhh Most of my legendary gijinkas are immortal, so time periods aren't much of an issue. Plus the chance to design alternate outfits for different time periods sounds like a good challange!

oooh!! okay! ^^ i love that about legendary pokemon >v< hehe! aww, yay im glad!! flowy clothes are so pretty * w*) i love them in any time period! also,thanks so much!!!!!! /;///////;

I'm going to do some designs and see what happens! Could I show you some sketches when I'm finished? I'd love to run them by you and get your opinion, if you're ok with that.

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