Comments on Titus Orzah All Comments

Howdy, sorry it took me a bit, ended up visiting someone I haven’t seen in a while anyways, I think Titus is a very interesting guy, especially considering all that happened to him. I find it particularly intriguing that he seems to focus on the Empire as being the primary focus of his anger, regardless of whether they were involved or not in certain events (which of course is totally fair because the Empire is still totally evil and has done some awful stuff, not trying to say he’s wrong to be angry by any stretch of the imagination). Does his anger extend to other parts of Titus’s life? Meaning does he sometimes jump to conclusions regarding someone’s motives based on what he’s experienced, thus being more likely to distrust others? Does he have a hard time forgiving people who have wronged him? Even for something relatively small? sorry I know these are kinda odd questions, but I love trying to dig into a character’s psyche and seeing how they tick, so to speak.

Regardless, very cool guy, I love that he’s able to find a new family for himself through his crew. Found family makes me happy every time :D

Ooh, I think Titus would be more likely to distrust others. Since he lost ones he cared about in his past, he tries super hard in the present to protect his friends and crew, which often leads to a strong wariness and distrust in those he doesn't know well. 

Titus definantly has a hard time forgiving people. I feel like if it was a small thing, he would allow time for forgiveness and make up with the person. But if he finds an act unforgivable, he'll hold a grudge to protect those he cares about. 

I love the found family trope too! It's always so nice when characters find family with their friends. <33 thanks for the comment!