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Hello! Just wanted to ask if they happened to be ufo? :00

they are not!

heya! if you still want to grab this guy, he's only for sale atm!; he's $187 if you're interested ^^

I will definitely try to get the $$ asap! Don't know if id be able to though because something just came up but I'll definitely lyk if i do :000

its all good!!! take your time!

Quick question, would you be willing to haggle? If so what's the lowest you'd accept for them? ^^

I’m not sure if I’d be willing to, since their price is really high, the lowest I’d be willing to go is $150 ;; though depending on what you want, I can go lower to at least $90-100 + a character if that doesn’t sound like too much ;w;

3 Replies