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Yeo gottem!! Just checking- is it meant to be translucent background orrr??

You don't hafta keep it clear fdsasdfghjk Feel free to do it anyway you like!!! (also do you color everything on separate layers?? if so, ty cause it makes shading for me a lot easier >_>;;)

Oh yeah I do then I merge them xD but I’ll try- and keep them separate xD I mean transparent as in is the lineart layer transparent so I can colour underneath??

Uhhh i don't quite understand?? does something not work?? otherwise i think you can proceed as normal?? There's just a paper layer underneath so I can see the bg, but you can turn that off if that's what you mean >_>;;

Oh I see :0 but lol no idea how to turn that off- sorrrrry ((also for reference what program do you use to draw??))

i use clipstudiopaint!! uhh beside the layer there should be eyeball that you click to turn the bg off? at least for me;; do u want me to send u the clear vers.?

2 Replies

Yeah lol the later isn’t transparent for me unfortunately- so I might need to do a manual colouring method which I haven’t done in ages rip- because my program doesn’t differentiate the lines to colour them in/ it treats it like one flat photo lol that’s fine though //edit - I tried but it looks crap- holy heck