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(I promise I’m not trying to sound greedy, I hate asking this question, I just don’t know how to put it without sounding selfish,,)

What’s the lowest you’d go for them? I’ve been looking at them for a while, and I want to make sure I’d be able to afford them, my job doesn’t pay much, but I’d love to get them! 😅

hallo! sorry for the late reply^^ i wanted to make sure i calculated the worth as accurately as i could before getting back to you^^

their worth is 191$-211$ (there is an uncertainty of 20$ from the OG worth since it wasn’t a sale, it was a trade and their commission prices have changed since!)

so ideally i’m looking for something in that range, however i understand you’re struggling with affording them, so if you don’t think that’s manageable you’re welcome to haggle, however the lower it is the less likely i am to accept ofc^^ 

I appreciate your kindness, it means a lot to me! I could possibly offer $100, and some art if you’d like!