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I saw myo slots and was curious what is this species?

Heyo! This is a semi closed species (meaning that common MYOs are free very often / but usually for limited amount) of funky column bunnies.

However, right now, you can claim one for free here  and they are not limited!! MYO slots never expire as well, and they are tradable so if you ever decide you don't want to design your character, you can pass it to someone else to enjoy. 

This species are column deities, called Theos, that came to life after a blessing from a god who admired their beauty (they all come from a column of human architecture and creativity), they have magical powers (called Talent - that can be anything from elemental powers to reading mind, etc!) and they are just neat, there's not super muhc lore to them, as they are a concept design I had a DnD world but scrapped for a different one, and so I decided to open it up for others to enjoy!

Whoa that’s so cool!