Comments on PastryPom ⚜ Hanae All Comments

This sweet precious baby <333 I love them! Congrats again! ;v;


Thank you!! <3 I really was so surprised. I never actually expected to win! T.T I'm so happy~~ <3<3<3

You're welcome!! I hope it came as a certainly pleasant surprise though. :D <33


It definitely did! I've been having one of those days (but more like week) where everything that could possibly go wrong is indeed going wrong, so this bit of luck really means a lot to me. T.T

Well I'm glad to hear that at least you had this one good thing going for you. <3 Congrats again, Vii! I hope your bad week gets better soon. ;o;


Aaaah, thank you lovey~ <3<3<3 I really appreciate it. :')

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