Comments on BEWARE: sunmi // sxn_mi All Comments

Oh wow okay, I'm not the only one after reading the comments. On mobile so I can't dig through my inbox as easily, but I didn't get a single wip until I sent a message asking for a wip or a refund 1 month before the 6 month protection period ended. (I believe I sent a few check in messages previously, although I could be mistaken.) Sunmi was very polite and apologetic about it and told me they sent a PM with a wip that must have eaten. I ended up getting the comm near the end of the month, as well as a bonus as an apology and I love both pieces to this day. Honestly I'm only posting this because it seems like such a prevalent pattern. I work full time and take comms on the side, so I get it - sometimes you get busy, sometimes things get stressful, but I always try to keep up communication, and that's really what I wanted