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Here are a few ideas:

  • Shasta
    • I was in LOVE with the Chronicles of Narnia as a kiddo, I bartered with a used book salesman for the full compendium and was enraptured by all the stories. The name Shasta comes from A Horse and His Boy, one of the Narnian tales, Shasta being the boy in question.
  • Hafsa
    • No real reason for this one other than that it sounds wispy, soft, and welcoming. This character's kind yet weathered features give me a Hafsa vibe. (Just looked up the meaning, and it apparently means something like "little lioness." What else is a cat but a little lion?)
  • Ember
    • Did anyone else read The City of Ember when they were in grade school? Just me, then? XD But seriously, Ember is a lovely name, one that conjures up images of a magnificent dream being born from the tiniest spark. Perhaps this character has grand dreams of her own!
  • Alpenglow
    • For those who have never witnessed it, I beg you to go to the mountains someday, sit up on the roof of a cabin in the wee hours still wrapped in blankets, and watch the misty scarlet of dawn spill over the horizon. It is an unparalleled feeling. This character reminds me of the first few seconds of alpenglow, when the early morning fog still gives the landscape a subdued appearance.