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Name ideas: Bastet, Sekhmet, Menhit, Mafdet.

Sub + faved btw <3


She is but ancient royalty, known for her beauty and grace. An outcast god one might say. She originates from Egypt back in 950 bc, A goddess of both beauty and war she was cast out from Egyptian lore back in 1200 BC, and since then has been wandering the world ever since. She is ancient, but hasn't changed a bit since her peak era of looks. She guides other cats to do what she thinks is right, even if it's morally wrong. She'll blend into crowds to make it look more like she is from the same era as others. She feasts on grain, beetles and scorpions, nothing more. She can create gold out of the finest of feather, but, her kindness doesn't last long when you are targeted by her.