Comments on low poly model raffle (and pinglist) [CLOSED] All Comments

THIS IS SOOOO COOOL WHATTT....i absolutely love ur art and ocs WOWOWOWOW!! tysm for the opportunity!!

bulletin! -

subscribed + faved nebula. cedar, and tachyk !! (+ a few more u have so many neat ocs LOL)

my favorite video games are 1000% red dead redemption 1 and 2 they are...the comfort games ever. love those cowboys soooooo bad.

also osoostn hiii i think ud like this

THANK U SM!!! and thank you for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 1036-1068!!

(UGH i have such fond memories of the first red dead!!! i spent so many hours on the base game + the zombie DLC.... oTL.... i havent finished red dead 2 yet but im sooo in love and excited with what i HAVE played so far! its such a fun and pretty world <3)