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I mean, doodles aren't bad, I personally doodle all the time and I need to add the doodles to some of my character profiles lol

Um, I just tend to watch the forums a lot. If I see someone with an art style or cool characters I inspect their profiles and characters. If I like a lot of their stuff, I subscribe! I also try to leave nice comments on characters if I really want to subtly interact.

Oh yeah, absolutely, I just start feeling like I'm not covering all the details before my brain scampers off to another idea and I have to beg it to recall a sandwich recipe, hahha -

So sensible. Me like. 😅 I guess I'm awkward about it because I don't know much about the adopt community and it feels like TH mostly aims towards that. Not a bad thing, just not quite my thing. The art here is sometimes overwhelmingly amazing, however, like wow.

Oh that's a big mood. Halfway through a drawing, I already have ideas for my next two drawings. Sometimes I can't get to all of it so I just choose what I like better lol

Yeah, I noticed that, and I've sold adopts before but I've only ever bought one adopt. I just like designing characters too much to adopt more. So I tend to pay more attention to the RPing side of TH. The art here is super amazing though, I love looking through character images. And thank you for subscribing to me aaaa!

Agghhh yeah, though mine shifts more towards "please come back before I forget important details about this obnoxiously specific thing you've impressed upon me to be preoccupied with. Have you ever just tried writing the idea down in a couple quick lines or just super fast stick notes? I have so many random faces on the sides of some pictures.

Big same? Granted, I've never bought or sold a design, but I just..feel that. Oh! How is the rp side of TH? I haven't done public rp due to RL things in a while, so I admit I haven't really looked. 

No kidding, baaahh - I am astounded some days how freaking clever some folks are. I feel so lost with colors or patterns a lot of the days and I just wooble over how pretty so much is. 

You're welcome! I like to talk and this seems cool! 8) I love the Hollow Knight stuff, very prrreeetttyyy -

Yeah, sometimes during my sketches I'll have an idea and I'll write it down next to the drawing or on the back of it, especially with DnD characters. I also have a writing app on my phone which I'll write random stuff in when inspiration strikes.

Tbh, I'm kinda new and haven't done much, I'm more just watching. I was part of one RP world, but it went inactive. I'm assuming it'll randomly become active at one point again because one person implied that it does that frequently. I also did find one partner aside from that, but we moved the RP to discord.

I love seeing art with smooth lines and clean lineart, I can't do stuff like that and it's so nice to see hhh. Plus some designs are just to creative looking and are things I never would've considered doing!

Thank you! I have more HK OCs pending, I'm just finishing up Ora's profile. I love making detailed Hollow Knight pictures, the environment of the game is so nice!

Haha, nice. Sometimes I feel like I'm a weird dragon of some kind considering all the random bits of paper I still have from all the years of collecting random ideas on anything within reach. Woof, though, doesn't the DnD stuff get to be a lot? I know sometimes I get wrecked because I'm gaming and also trying to furiously scribble ideas down.

Aww, I'm sorry. That can stink if you were invested in it. I wonder why they don't set a limit? Like, maybe a "since so many folks are here, you've got a week to respond" sort of thing? That may help? It is cool you've got a person to play with, on Discord or not. What's the setting?

Yeeeaaahh it's so relaxing to see!! Like, some people have pettable art? Nice flow, good curves - yes. I find myself sometimes wishing I could do it, but I suppose I just gotta practice more and potentially just do fanart of the thing I want to do more of.

I got the game myself some time ago and, admittedly I haven't played it yet, but I love seeing the art for it?? It's so friendly?? So..agh it's storybook-like in how it uses simple shapes and colors, inviting and yet also quietly profound like some sort of poem. I can't wait! 8)

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