Comments on ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒฝ Maize ๐ŸŒพ๐Ÿ‚ All Comments

Hi there~! I am having mothbatz buy this critter for me if that is alright ^^

confirming the voucher ! u can contact me abt payment ^^

Yeah that works for me! I can send invoices but itโ€™s take me awhile since Iโ€™m at work atm! But if not they can send to [email protected]ย have them put that itโ€™s a voucher and your name so I donโ€™t forgetย and Iโ€™ll transfer when I get on my lunch which would be in 3 hours or so!ย 

Oh thank you kindly! I'll tag them so they see this as well mothbatz

cool beans, ill send in a bit !

payment sent : )

Recived send transfer over!

Got them! Sending you over Ruskin and Hearthfire now ^^
Thank you SO much for this! <3

ofc !! ty for trading ^^