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So sry for disturbing but i've got something to say:

Sushi, you are an amazing artist. You've inspired me alot and your artwork is so stunning and pleasing to looks at. You have learned fast quicker than me and i don't know how i just randomly was bored as a spectator in Warrior Cats Ultimate edition and saw someone talking, that was you and someone else. It was so amazing to meet another young artist and it was like faith hit me in the head. I don't remember how many subscribers you had when i joined in but i can still remember the early drawings and ref sheets and how you've evolved. I took much inspiration from you and my style changed drasticly in a good way, and having someone posting almost every day in the community post inspired me to draw more often like you always did.

I love having small talks in the comments often not even having anything to do with anything and i am proud to say that i look up to you and hope you have an amazing maybe even wonderful day/night. Keep up posting, drawing and do what you like doing the most. I can't wait for the future to come and maybe even us bonding over the years. Thank you for existing and keeping the art community a better place for me<3

I'm crying omg-

Thanks so much, my memory sucks so sometimes it's hard to for me remember how I met someone or who they are. I apologize if I forgot about you aswell.

This year has been so shit to me and drawing, meeting new people, aswell as just simply talking about my ocs was my way to escape my horrible mental state. And seeing that doing what I love is making people feel happy aswell, is the best thing to ever happen to me.

I've always wanted to inspire people, to make them happy, and help them keep on going. Now that it's actually happening, is so crazy to me. Doesn't even feel real tbh

I'm so glad I met you, you have been nothing but just nice to me. We really need more people like you. I'm so happy to talk to you everytime, even if it's just small talk^^ Thank you so much, honestly. For the kind words & just making me so happy!

Now i'm crying-

Tysm!! My memory sucks too and i barely remember our meeting-

This year has been rough but time has passed quickly and it's almost already over, i hope you are doing better mentally. Life here for me has sucked too- my dearest friends come to like very different stuff and not really bothering when hurting my feelings and i don't know how i survived so far already. I can't stop saying it but your art is just god like!!

I can assure you, it's as real as it can be^^

I am so glad i met you too and even though i live on the other side of the world, it's nice to have someone else out there that really inspires you. Again thank you for your existance and time responding omg qwq


I hope your year gets better! Your friends sound awful, and I hope everything gets better. I know it will :D

(Also apologies I don't have alot to say, I'm very bad at conversations lol))

Ofc I responded, I'm always happy to talk to someone and what you said was literally just- so sweet like- How could I not??

But tysm for taking time out of your day to write a literal essay full of kind words. It's restoring my faith in humanity tbh

I hope you have a fantastic day/night^^ and a better autumn/winter :D

I struggle at conversations too so i am here sweating and thinking of good words just in this sentence. I god too hope it gets better and i hope you get better too<3

This could go on forever but i don't mind it, i have all night^^

Yes i know and really wanted to thank you for it! AHH TYSM!!! You are also super kind and full of different personalities!

No- i have to thank you for all the small talks and wonderful artwork<3

You too!^^

Casually struggling on what to say lol Conversation can end here cuz I'm too awkward :,)

Np & Tysm!!