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Tokotas is something I can do, I'm lousy with tokotas. Do you have any preferences before I offer?

Not really, I can look at any.

Well, take a look first at my bank, and I can offer slots to anyone, and Sparrow 51433, Sunny 51271, Rosalynn 44694, Foxtrot 44696, Cupid 25620, Tawny 50607 and Patches 50915 are all my easy-to-part with pups. My geno hoard doesn't have anything too interesting right now, but it's got some passionates, some geno bombs, plenty of railyards and redcaps and a few with lilac or roan pota potential. Let me know if anything catches your eye.

I have no experience with this species, I just heard about it from a friend a bit. I can chose a breed with someone from Slot to Everyone and you, right ? Those are nice /

Oooooohhhhhh! Okay actually let me roll back a bit in that case. Have you played any arpgs before? They can be a little complicated at first if you're not already familiar with how they work. 

In tokos there's a few different builds and there's different manes and markings and a few other breedable traits like curly tails or cropped ears. You can also use in game items to edit the import, like adding clothes or changing their facial expression or haircut. There are... Hm, a lot of factors in breeding, but to quickly summarize, you get a short "geno" that contains the DNA of the new pup, what markings it has, mane, build, etc, and then you can design it using those dna instructions. So two tokos with the same geno can look super different, like lots of stripes vs only a few stripes. So like Jenna is a really pretty important, but she's basically just a nice cream, she doesn't have any rare or even uncommon markings on her. Cupid is a dire, so he has a chance to have dire pups. 

I quite like designing Genos (for... Many games) and if you don't own any tokos yet you can get your first one free from the adoption center. They're randomly rolled you can sometimes get something nice, but you can't get one if you've gotten a geno or toko through some other means first. I'm also happy to offer my design services to help you get your first geno made. And Cupid I can part with. He's a pretty boy but I've not done anything with him. He's a dire and he has a special (but not rare( item to give him the fancy red eyes. 

This is not dependent on trading, I just really enjoy arpgs and I know they can be Wildly Complex And Confusing To Navigate so if you need any help/have any questions you can feel free to tap me on anything.

(sorry I reply with my main account) OMG, no I have no experience with that. I have characters from Griffia and Skire for example but I only use them for art, not for games or event. I think I will only accept Pre-made characters then, English is not my first language and I only understood half of this universe. 

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