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Hi ya! I saw this bean with you and I'm interested in adopting them. I can offer with art. Here's my art folder:

aah hello, what amount of art would you be offering? and would the art be coloured or just sketched?

I want to offer a coloured fullbody.

And last question(so sorry twt) is the character apart of a closed sp? If not then that is preferred as I like to redesign my characters without having any limitations which what I can do. Or if it is a closed sp would u mind sending me there trait sheets or smt? So sorry to ask twt.

Naw don't apologize! You're free to ask any questions whatsoever. From the previous trader, they didn't mention a closed species so it's safe to say you're free to redesign the character however you wish! ^^ If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask me.

Aah kk! Then I think I’d be happy to accept:3 is there anything you can’t/ don’t like drawing? Or if you have a preference when it comes to specific colours or themes in designs just lmk and I’ll send one that suits your presence :3

3 Replies