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I would love to be able to adopt this awesome fella. I have a world and story called Tsunami Shores where all characters there are aquatic or aquatic like. A little bio about them 

Personality: charming, kind, friendly, outgoing, charismatic, silly, brave, adventurous, loving, doesn't take crap from no one, protective 

Likes: boats, the ocean, spicy and savory foods, sushi, wildlife, exploring, reading, playing music, playing the guitar, listening to music, traveling, making friends, fishing, swimming, cooking, mixing drinks 

Dislikes: bitter foods, sour foods, very rude people, bad storms, creepy deep sea creatures, spiders

They would be an explorer who loves to go out on the ocean. They travel around the world by boat to see different lands and go on many adventures. They enjoy bringing friends along so they aren't alone and overall enjoy exploring places with close friends. They love to swim, so they go diving a lot especially around coral reefs to see all the life that dwells in the ocean. They love to go diving and explore underwater caves. They also enjoy fishing, they tend to like deep sea fishing more than freshwater fishing, but they enjoy the sport nonetheless. They also enjoy traveling the land seeing what cool and unique places they can go to. They especially love tropical places. They enjoy the sun and unique wildlife that can be found there. When they aren't traveling the world they enjoy relaxing at home and they like to cook. They prefer making seafood dishes but will experiment with other dishes as well. They absolutely looooove savory dishes as well. They invite family and friends over to try out their food. They enjoy sharing their passion with others. They are also a master at mixing and creating many different drinks. When they are at home alone, they like to listen to music and practice music. They also enjoy reading thrillers and adventure books. They always make sure to look out and take care of their friends. 

Hey there! Unfortunately this is not a write to adopt, but if you have an offer for them I would definetly look into it! <3

My apologies!!