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> donut-shaped irises with circle pupils, the white "pupil" is just eyeball
> freckles are a bit more linear than normal, as if they were painted on in one motion
> teeth are irregular and sharky-sharp
> his fingernails are actually 2 teeth each
> thick, somewhat lizardy tail, but its fairly flexible

> assume all yellow on his outfit is gold
> three floating rings only on his left earring
> unnecessarily large sleeve cuffs
his clothes can be embellished if you like, as long as they keep the same general form

Other Things:
> average-to-tallish height, fairly fit
> really only barely has a nose at all
> tends to keep the top part of his mouth closed, but it does move a little just because it's connected to muscles
> more mouths appear when he's stressed; they're not always there

Despite being a space pirate, Chappit is a sweet, positive person and tends to get flustered easily. He's a little awkward and not always sure what to do with himself spatially. He has been marginally groomed to become captain, though, so he's got a good head on his shoulders under stress and will do his best to out-posture an enemy before engaging.

Chappit has training with raygun rifles and rapiers.