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Okay! I'll give you one character and an idea for pose/action then, but feel free to ask me a different prompt/char in case the one below does not fit your style ^^

Character: Clara - (please draw her with the proper outfit on the right, not the underwear on the left)

Action: Either holding a microphone and singing, or in a pose as if she was dancing? 

You can simplify her outfit if needed, like not including the stripes or the cloud pattern in her socks, or removing some of the accessories ~

Alright, sketch done.  Should have it completed within the next few days.

That's nice to hear! ^^

So apparently I forgot my tablet pen at home, and I'll be away until the 17th.  This is gonna take longer than I planned >.<

No worries! I usually wait around a month for art before asking the artist how things are going, and I do not mind waiting longer if there is communication ^^
Take your time!