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If an oc says NFS/NFT they are most likely off limits! But you can ask just in case!

I recommend staying in the offers folder first!

Off limits:

Comfort ocs


Friends characters (usually empty)



Most of specials (but you can check)

Some of my species (snowies off limits)

Gotcha, thank you! I'm in love with this design, but since she's very tent I looked for a few more dudes I'm interested in: 1 2 3

if you don't wanna part with any of those guys no stress, too!

I could do 1 or 3  made more of inky from the 1 2 3

Ok rad, I'd be happy to take 1(Azun) if it's fine with you! And then I can send Melody Stone your way if it's all cool!

Sorry I was eating dinner lol!

No worries! Just lmk if the trade's all fine by you, before I send anything I just wanna be sure haha

12 Replies