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okay straight up I

have these two characters. angel and mania.  up until this point they were monogamous. but dude..................... i think it would be socute for them to have another girlfriend... join thepolycule girl

Name: Mira (short for MIRACLE not up for debate)
Gender: Demigirl (She/they)
Age: 27
Personality: A bit anxious and shy, but she tries her best no matter what. Very soft-spoken, even when trying her best to make herself heard- it's not easy for her to make friends, but she's so sweet that when she does, generally they'll stick around.
Bio: From the beginning she was a bit 'othered', with enjoying darker tones and believing in that whole 'angels and demons' mess people claimed to be real, but despite that she remained kind. Despite being kind, she remained hurt, until she met an Angel. This angel was not a terrifying many-eyed being with multiple wings and an essence of 'be not afraid', though she did say something akin to the phrase (closer to "please, stop screaming") and upon Mira calming down, they ended up hitting it off quite a bit. Despite the overwhelming energy of a certain demon known as 'Mania' she enjoyed the company of both, and the feeling was quite mutual- they began meeting up regularly, much to the chagrin of those who denied Mira's belief in the beings.