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hii! i wanted to ask if you still happen to have this character? , or if you happend to trade em off?

i'm trying to find the current owner to see if i could trade for em back ^^ 

tysm in advance for ur help!!

i have this reference of them saved if you dont happen to remember them


They are mine, I was going to sell them when I needed points but then decided I was extremely tentative and hid them as I do want to keep them.. if you happen to have a character that has as much nice art and a nice design I may trade. Otherwise it’s not a design I’m looking to get rid of.

that's perfectly understandable! i can offer what the points are in usd thru paypal, or you are free to look through here, i also have these guys, , , and that i might be willing to part with!

The point to USD amount should be 12.50 I think? Pretty sure the rate is 80/$1. Sadly none of these other babs caught my eye, so if you can pay that I’ll be willing to part with him ^^

i can do the 12.50! feel free the send me your paypal whenever ^^

Oh thank you, should be under [email protected]

3 Replies