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if youa re thinking of offers hit me up i would love to have this design back, sadly i dont have many chjaracters to trade but i could offer art, let me know!

I'd be interested! What type of art would you be able to do?

I believe you bought this character for $100 correct? In terms of art that’s about 2 chibis or I could do a flower portrait as well. However I’ll warn you it probably won’t be finished until december/January depending on how fast I get through my comms. If that’s something you aren’t comfortable with that is fine with me <3

I received them through trade a while back, and I’d be totally willing to wait however long it takes for the art. So either 2 chibis or a flower portrait?

Yes correct or if you have some other comm idea in mind let me know ❤️ You can also dm me on instagram so communication is better and we can go back and forth quicker cuz tbh I never be checking toyhouse LOL