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Holy beans. I didn't even realize you had an MTT. O: aw, your not leaving the group are you? I like your colorful bean.

I do have an MTT! Unfortunately my priorities have changed and I no longer have the time available to invest online. I don't think I'm able to sell the MTT at all, but if Annicron is okay with it I might be able to give her to you? I also have a Yol and a MYO Yol I believe.

oh right right. the no sell MTT policy. o: I'm still in the group and would love to take your bean.. beans ovo
Prehaps I could do some art in exchange? Seems unfair to not give something back.
** I guess if its allowed and your interested -of course-

Oh gosh it's quite alright, I adore your art but I'm not online anymore and I don't draw much either. I'll shoot a message to the group to see if I can transfer them to you! I'm actually getting married next month so if I can't sell them for cash I'd rather them go to you and be enjoyed than just rotting in my files.

Aw! Your super sweet. Well, I hope someone gets back to you from the group-- it does seem alittle dead. I will hopefully do them justice if it is accepted. Congrats on your marriage!! I hope it is amazing!

Hi Vippy! I heard back from the group and I'm good to give them to you! :)

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