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UHHH LET'S SEE i honestly don't really know very many art sites outside da + th i know a lot of people are moving to tumblr which is actually a good platform to post art in if you gain any traction (there's a lot of successful art blogs there but also when i tried to do one it failed miserably so my personal experience with it isn't great) but potential lack of attention aside it's actually a really great platform lots of nice content + cool blog customization

i've also heard whisperings of a new site called that seems to be pretty good i'm pretty sure they're against all the gross nft/ai generator stuff that da seems to like so much but i haven't actually checked it out myself/don't know whether i'll migrate there yet

uhh yeah that's pretty much it i think i guess you could try instagram if you really wanted to but i don't rlly have any experience with that and can't offer advice

ALSO if you do leave i'll miss you

hope that helps at least somewhat!! gah i posted before i could finish my sentence