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AJASKHADF thank you so much, i'm glad you like it!!! :D the darkened inactive karma buttons & the other hover/active effects are CSS code (not HTML), and CSS is a premium-exclusive feature on toyhouse, so unfortunately you won't be able to use it since you aren't a premium user (currently). if you do have premium, an additional "CSS" dropdown box shows up under the main HTML box and above the "Advanced" dropdown box, which is where you would put it.

i wanted to keep this layout mostly HTML-only so it'll still look/work nearly the same without it, it's just those hover/active effects that won't be there, since they're unfortunately impossible with pure HTML. :[ sorry!!

Oh alright, I didn't understand that before. Thanks for the explanation! ^w^

Coding is something I'd love to get more into, since spicing up my profiles would be pretty fun.

of course!! :D i think coding (HTML/CSS or otherwise) is super fun once you really get into it, if you're looking for any good resources to get you started here's some i recommend!:

  • w3schools: has good references & simple tutorials overall, i come back to this one a lot!
  • sololearn: beginner-friendly interactive tutorials, good jumping-off point. if you've ever used duolingo it's kinda like that but for coding!
  • bootstrap 4.6 documentation: documentation for the CSS framework toyhouse uses, basically tells you what all the words inside class="" here do.
  • circlejourney's toyhouse live code editor: shows your changes live onscreen as you make them, so you don't have to save every time you want to see what you did.

Thank you so much, these are awesome!