Comments on parfaitheart All Comments

Hi your artstyle is absolutely gorgeous!! :O If you're free, would you be willing to do an art-trade? It's completely fine if no, have a lovely day ^^

thank you! I'd love to do an art trade ^^ It may take a few weeks for me to finish my half, though, because I have a lot on my plate rn. If that's ok with you, then we can trade!

That's completely fine! If you'd rather wait until you're not busy to do one, that's fine too; I don't wanna overwhelm you ^^

I'm ready to do the art trade! Just lmk what character you want me to draw. You can draw anyone in my forever homed folder, but I'm looking for art of IC. Would flatcolor fullbody work?

Sounds good! Soda looks cute so I'm happy to draw 'em! ^^ Could you draw anyone here? Whoever catches your eye ^^ and sure! 

could I draw her?

14 Replies