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My former college was so Awful dude the end of the semester meant I was gonna be too busy to eat or sleep and was probably still going to do a bad to mediocre job bc the grading was SOOOOOO SO TOUGH and even tho I changed schools I still went to that old one for 4 yrs so it’s Ingrained and it actually landed me in a psych ward earlier this year

holy ??? dude so sorry to hear that?? I'm glad you decided to change schools,, I think you were studying art at the old one right? do you still have the same major? : O

YA I DID!! I changed from illustration to zoology 💖 I have a little over a year and a half of college left before I get my new degree!!

I went to one of those high end art schools that I’d never in my right mind recommend any kid fresh out of high school attend lmaoooo

ooohhhhhhhh zoology omg !!! I would love to study that!!!! almost there! yeah no my parents and teachers were like "you should go to art school" and I was like "haha no never" because I've heard so many things about people coming to despise art because it went from being fun to being a job/work,,, like I would rather not have one of my hobbies stop being fun ty