Comments on if you could have any character on my account... All Comments

i wouldn’t mind at all if you wanted to offer on them !! i originally got them from a trade so i’d prefer trading or selling rather than just giving them for free, but i’m not too picky so you can offer pretty much anything if you’re interested!

hey! would you still be interested in them? if you want, i could give you them for free with like a “tradeback” sort of thing, so if you ever decide you don’t want them you could let me know / send them back to me?

OH GUEGHAFSDGHJASDF i forgot abt this--

sure! i could do some art too if u want :] 

if you wanna do art i wouldn't mind that at all !! did you have anything specific in mind you wanted to offer?

not exactly but i could go up to 2 fulls max , id prefer 2 do less doe 

alright! would a full and a bust work? and do you have any specific kinds of characters you’d prefer to draw? (species, aesthetic, etc, feel free to even take a look at my characters and see if there’s anyone specific that you might wanna do!)

7 Replies