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Thank you for the opportunity! Here are some OCs with info! But, feel free to draw anyone in my Active > Mains folder! I have monsters, humanoids, ferals and anthro :)

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Hyper little rainbow boy, super smiley and loves space! He has a rainbow lava lamp that he's often caught staring at, his blinds are always closed so he can use his space themed projector on his ceiling! He has glow-in-the-dark stickers all over his room and loves dark places. He's asocial but enjoys answering questions or telling people fun facts he knows, he isn't too great at listening though

Reference Sheet


Nurturing, intelligent but a little clumsy, chronic people pleaser, strong sense of justice according to its sometimes over the top morals

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Impulsive, hot-headed, defensive, but an absolute simp for his wife. Aries is a god of war, he loves playfighting and regular fighting

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He lives on a little farm where he grows crops and nurtures plants! Aloe has a particular interest in gardening and collecting strange trinkets! He often collects bones and bells