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AWE..... GUH THANK YOU SO MUCH T_T and yes , i do in fact use animeeffects ! very reccommended !

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HIIII SO SORREY FOR REPLYING SO LATE OH ME GOSH. i was very busy with schoolwork GUH...... T_T

FIRST ! for transparent backgrounds, i export the file by clicking on the "export as" button, then click "MOV video" , save it, when you see the little tab thats named "codec" click on it and change it into "ProRes ( transparent )" and it will export it for you

SECOND ! i go to a website called ezgif maker, and go to this specific tab ! it basically exports your "MOV video" file and turns it into a gif for looping ! then this step is optional so you dont have to do this at all, but i *sometimes* export to gif into a gif for it to make smoother, but again, totally optional ! i only do it sometimes ^_^

anddd uh i guess tips !! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE !! for ur own sanity , make sure to make the gif short and sweet and the psd file not too cluttered ! the site has a maximum for  MB file sizes so when its too big it wont export T_T this has happened way too much to me LAWL.

and uhh as for the lines, dunno about that, never really happened to me ! but it can be something with the brush texture or the size of the brush :-3c choppy animation never really happened to me either ! dunno about that,, rlly hope this helps and if not im v sorrey i tried the best i can to explain it ^_^''