Comments on 04.Monologic [F2U] All Comments

Hey, I can’t figure out why every image I use for the background is super blurry? I tried adjusting sizes but I can’t seem to get it to work ;^;

Hello, I took a look at the image you used, and it appears to be a portrait/vertical image, which doesn't work very well with the landscape/horizontal layout of this code... sorry about that ;v;`

I tried horizontal images and it still was blurry! I’ll go see if it works again though ^_^

This time it should be because the image is not large enough. The size appears to be 800px*450 px, you might want something bigger.

Hm. I just did wide screen one and it was 1920x1880 and it’s still super blurry

If you think that still looks blurry, my apologies =v=; with your criteria, the demo images aren't that clear either.
The only thing left to do would be to reduce the width (change 100vw to something smaller), if making sure that the background looks clear enough is your priority.

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