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I would too. I would be screaming and flailing around and then drop dead right in front of him lol. Ohh, something sad must've happened when he was little. I teared up a little in the first episode of W. Made me despise the female lead's dad for making jong-suk's character go through such a terrible thing. Ayy, can't do anything about it since most dramas are romance dramas lol. IKR, LIKE I CRY EVERYTIME I WATCH IT. THE FEELS FOR ALL THE CHARACTERS IN THE DRAMA. Stay strong haha xD Ohh, do you know he's gonna be in a chinese drama soon? Not sure if I wanna watch it cause I know his voice is gonna be dubbed ;w; Off topic but I recently finished watching this drama called LoveO2O. I totally recommend it.You should give it a try when you have time. Got my sister to watch it too. I seriously love how they communicate a lot with each other so there's no misunderstanding between them. And they trust each other so much >w< Their relationship is so perfect xD I just kept squealing while watching them //melts.Now we both feel empty after we finished watching it orz Ohh, and there's a hint of BL in it. Too bad they didn't dwell much on the two guys relationship because (probably) the gov wouldn't have let it be aired if it did..

LOL i'd probably act cool on the outside but on the inside i'd be screaming and doing African Tribal dances lol Then blood would seep from my eyes, mouth and nose and i'd be dead xD Yeah it was pretty sad. Ooh I really want to watch it but I have such little time ;3; And yeah romance dramas are the bane of my existence. xD I haven't watched a lot of dramas that don't have a gay crutch to keep me up lol xD YESSS 99 TEARS OF SADNESS ;;3; //lifts weights to try and stay strong

Oooh is he? Eww dubbed over? Don't dub over my baby how dare you. Ooh i'll add it to my "Need to watch list!" YES omfg. I really need a new gay or slightly gay drama to watch xD I started a show called like Ko and Mojato and it's kind of weird but I haven't fully embraced it yet aha. If all else fails I can just finish Alex and Benny but I was getting really pissed at Alex last time I watched it. //heaves angrily. xD Omg I hate the government. LET ME SEE MY GAY SHIPS FOR CHRIST SAKE. Companies shouldn't have to be afraid of prosecution because they want to make films/dramas on a popular topic that isgaining more acceptance and notoriety. Like come on it's 2016.

A little gruesome but I can see that happening lol. There's no need to rush haha. It'll still be up on viki when you have time to watch it. Same same. I can't live without them romance dramas. Ikr, I hate it when they dub over the voices in chinese dramas. They even do that with people who are fluent in Chinese. I was supporting Victoria by watching one of her dramas and was upset that they dubbed her and the other actors voices TwT I recently watched Old Nine Gates to support Lay and was disappointed that my baby unicorn was dubbed over ;w; Ohh, and lay had a wife in that drama. He was so sweet to her but at the same time I was a little jealous haha. Both dramas were good nonetheless xD

Ahh, well LoveO2O is actually a straight romance drama but while watching it, I noticed that the guy working at the campus cafeteria seemed to like the roommate of the male lead. Like we can all tell he has the hots for the roommate but he never acted upon it //cries It has a novel and they got together in the novel *happy dances* I also love the bromance in it. The male lead's roommates are all very funny. They reminded me of F4 as you can see from this person's post: Ohh, I can't seem to find the show you are talking about orz Ohh, what did Alex do :c? True true. But we can't do anything about it. TwT They need to be more accepting and spread the LGBT man. They're so conservative about this matter.

Ahahha xD I live for shock value. lol. Yeah that's true I can watch it in ten years and the only thing that'll change is there will be 10 other dramas I need to watch with Lee Jong Suk aha. I appreciate romance dramas but sometimes i'm like "WHY THE FUCK IS THIS GIRL ALL OVER MY MAN?!" That's why I can really only watch romance drama with people I don't know or that has gay factors that I can fall back on when i'm angry at the straight people. Yeah that's so bad. >.> Like why? I mean I understand why but still. Okay hell no you don't dub over Lay. That's not okay. lol N O W I F E. NO. XD My baby. //foaming mouth

Omg it sounds interesting despite it being straight romance. I do need to broaden my horizon. I already refuse to watch harems of any kind because why the hell should one girl get 5 guys chasing after her? Fuck that shit. xD It's unfair I can't even get 1 guy to look at me. No it's not that I just get upset because it takes her 24 episodes/ 5-6 routes to choose a fucking guy and then she ends up with the one you least want xD Like more for us but damn, you're stupid main girl. Ooh looking good on that post. ;u; What Ko and Mojata? It's a webseries on youtube lol. Well fucking Alex had sex with a girl in middle school (before he was gay) and she had a baby so he thinks it's his kid and he starts being a dick to Benny because he wants to "take responsibility." >.> I just stopped right there because I was so mad at him. It's probably going to end up not even being his kid and i'm going to punch him xD YES! SPREAD THE LOVE! ALL THE LOVE TO EVERY NATION! //drowns the world in yaoi