Comments on Amarillo All Comments

May I adopt them plz?

Yes but please tell me what would you use them for ^^  (same goes for Mubara and Charcoal)

A detailed answer would be appreciated for each of them

Okay~ x3 For Amarillo I’d use them as a snake creature in a game that I’m making. OwO)/ While Charcoal would be a shark creature in the same game, while Mubara would be an important for story npc. :3 need more info?

You're making a game ? That's so cool ! I would love to see that ^^
They are yours, please take good care ~

Yup! I can keep you updated if you’d like? :3 Thanks so much! I shall x3

You're welcome ^^
I would love that ! But don't wanna bother you either ^^' 

1 Replies