Comments on unfinished designs All Comments

i love them !! id love to buy them as is, would $30 be ok for that?

EDIT: someone offered higher than me so id love to offer $30 for either them or them ! 

hi dear!! id love to accept the 30$ for this concept <3
if youre still interested, would you like the concept for yourself or would you like me to work with you to finish it? ^^ <3

id love for you to finish it, if youre willing! as for color palette id like them to be sky/sunset themed if possible, but otherwise ill leave it up to your design skills!

aaa awesome <333 can you send to ?
is there any updates or changes youd like me to make to the design, and would you like for me to include the halo?

should be all sent!

hmm, nothing i can think of! and yes please, id love for the halo to still be included :) 

hi dear <3 just finished the lines and concept colors! i made two different ones for you to pick from, but if neither of them fit your idea i can try another with more detail in your vision :D
version 1 
version 2
i can mix and match aspects too, just let me know what you like! <3

6 Replies