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May I please purchase this baby?

i um. am so sorry that somehow i didnt reply for like a year. i genuinely don't know how that happened 3 if you are still interested let me know, though! im so sorry TwT

Haha it's all good! Yes, I'm still interested!

OHH ABSOLUTELY! deal deal deal! ^0^ Could you draw my lady calcifer then?

Yes of course! I'll get right on it! Thank you so much!

Before I resume! I had a random burst of motivation for a chibi drawing so to keep it about the same price ($26.25 would be the worth if I continue) I made it a chibi half body instead. Is that okay? /nf < wip

if it's not okay that's perfectly fine I can reuse this sketch for something else and treat it as my warm up since I didn't do a warm up going into this haha

Oh a chibi halfbody would be totally fine! :D it looks great so far thank you so much!

3 Replies