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What a fun character OMG!!! Thank you for the opportunity to write for them! ^^

Name: Bibi (Billie)

When you sleep, you dream, and you usually don't remember those dreams long after you've woken up. To dreamers, dreams feel vague, inky, and are often forgotten. Dreamers don't remember the dreamscape, how its like walking underwater, where the unconscious comes forward to release a new hint about the psyche. They don't remember the dream guardians, the beings that assist in moving dreams along. But whether they remember their time in the world of dreams, beings like Bibi exist: The Dream Guardians. The beings that guide dreams along and ensure that dreamers have their dreams, whether completed or not, and wake up. Beings come and go, only staying a few minutes at a time, as dreams only last a short time. Bibi exists somewhere between the states of asleep and awake, happily swimming in the semi-conscious dimension where people are constantly passing through and never staying. Their world comes in shades of black and white, and although it is bleak and bustling, its home. Much like all the members of their people, Bibi guides dreamers along. They're especially good at conversation, able to keep the interactions short and sweet before sending the dreamers on their ways.

They don't remember being born, or created, or formed out of the universe. All they know is that one day, they were there, and they were met by the faces of other dreaming beings. Other dream guardians taught them how to guide dreamers, and they've been happily doing their job ever since. Innately extroverted, Bibi loves meeting new and old dreamers, whether they remember Bibi or not (although Bibi remembers them all). They are constantly meeting new races of beings, of all different walks of life. Some beings don't know the other exists, but Bibi knows all of them very well.

They spend their time chatting away with and interacting with people that are always gone within minutes. Bibi knows that dreams only last a short time, and once those minutes are up, they're on to meeting their next temporary pal. That is, until their newest pal (of which Bibi has never met) outstays the few minutes they've become used to. And suddenly, Bibi finds that their new friend is much more permanent than any have been before. Why is this new being staying? This has never happened before, and dream guardians aren't allowed to leave their dreamers until they've woken up. This new pal isn't going anywhere anytime soon, and Bibi has to find a way to get them to wake up. But do they really want to lose the most permanent friend they've ever had?

Bibi's sense of style comes from the different beings they've met. They especially like the simplistic ease that comes with a simple dress and piercing accessories.

Bibi thinks its cool that they resemble a Sea Bunny Slug, and they always get a good chuckle out of it when a dreamer mentions it.

Although Bibi is extroverted and very friendly, they're always filled with sadness that all the beings they meet will never remember them. They secretly wish they could have a real friend that would stay with them, even though it goes directly against what their job description states.

Bibi learns about the worlds of the many dreamers by peeking in on their dreams. Out of all of them, Bibi particularly wishes they could see the sunrise, the sunset, the stars, and the ocean. They have a real fascination with the ocean, seeing as they resemble a Sea Bunny Slug, and are already used to the jelly-like thickness of the dream world.

Bibi fears the guardians of nightmares, because they know that the nightmare guardians can delve into the depths of a beings' psyche. Also, the nightmare guardians can be really rude sometimes.

Bibi wishes they could have their own dreams and see what they're truly like.

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