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thank you for the fav <3

<33 No problem~! I have an FFXIV character too, so I was super excited when I saw your's. ; w ; <3 He's adorable~!

Ahh thanks <3 Oooh which server are you on?

You're welcome~! > w < And ah, I'm on Balmung. ; w ;/ Transferred there, not that long ago. > <~ I do a lot of my RP off-game though, since I'm slow, ahaha. ; w ; ;;

Ahh nice.. I have an alt over on Balmung, but with so much to do...don't get a lot of time to level her, RIP (especially with the relic....uugh I'm behind). I like to watch people RP since I'm not very good at it >.>;;

Yeah!! ; w ; I like it there. It's nice. But ohh, do you?! What's her name? o w o/ OTL I totally understand what you mean, though. ;; I keep wanting to work on my alts, but I'm so busy with just my main and then work and school. . _ . OTL... And baw.. ; - ; I'm sure you're not bad at all, though. ; w ; <3 I'd be up for RPing with you sometime, if you want. >

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