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WOOO another kaiji fan!! hi :) I found them in a huge image pack that's meant for casinos to use to promote the games, but I uploaded them to the kaiji wiki! you can find them on kaiji and ichijou's pages 🎉

i just only started the manga like a week ago but yes! ! finished the latest updates online for the last arc and its still consuming me tbh
and OMG thank you youre doing god's work 😭💞

so are u caught up with it already? I started the manga from where the show left off but I never finished part 3 :') 

thank u! i saw how underdeveloped the wiki was so i wanted to contribute :D

also sry for the late reply!

no worries for the late reply!! once i started reading it i just.. bulldozed it tbh. personal work? NO, its time to read kaiji 😭
so i ended up catching up to the last arc pretty quick huhu ;w; (im reading online updates and the last arc is still unfinished tho ( ・ᴗ・̥̥̥ )
and tbh, part 3 was kinda... snoo mimimi material anyways LMAO (despite how kinda important it is?). i dont get mahjong at all and while kaiji pulled some of the coolest moves there... my brain turned to mush after 32039402 'pinfu tanyao' 'honor tiles' & 'i forgot what the rest were' O(-( i just nodded along while not getting it at all (ˊ̥̥̥̥̥ u ˋ̥̥̥̥̥) not to mention its... really. really. long.

wow, I'm surprised u got through the whole thing so fast!! & I don't know anything about mahjong either, the translation I read had a guide but it was still confusing. Maybe I should pick it up again and just skim through those parts LOL. it's nice to know the other parts are better though! And I've seen people say the current stuff is mostly offensive jokes, have u seen that??

kaiji held me at a gunpoint and wouldnt let me leave LOL. the translation i read had a guide too, but rest assured i didnt even bother reading it 😭 if i did, the words just went in thru one ear and out the other... i didnt even get anything at all dhshjkflg. and i think its pretty fine to just skim through it (theres a looot of chapters though XD), i pretty much just read it on autopilot. i will say, the finale/last match of the mahjong arc was really satisfying and so big-brained of kaiji though. im personally biased to the bog arc because ichijou but the kazuya/one-poker arc after the mahjong one wasnt bad (plus the games were really simple and i didnt have to sit there wondering what was going on LOL).
i havent seen any offensive jokes but then again im not sure which the current one is referring to, since kaiji ends at the 24-oku arc which has already completed i believe. but it might be in fukumoto's other works or kaiji spinoffs? (theres alot of spinoffs for even a (kinda) minor character in the bog arc 😭 i wanna read ichijou's one but its not translated 3)