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I cannot confirm nor deny that I went through ur art to find the first art peice u put here. But omg it's so cool to see the difference between ur art now and ur art then. 

oh damn- dnksbdkahdka I mean my art Herr doesn’t work since I submitted it character by character lmao so it’s very mixed up- but I’m going to be posting an improvement meme ((#spoilers)) on new years- soooo you can check that lmao but yeah I’ve def improved which I’m super happy with :D

Lol yeah ur style is very cute either way and yeah you're inporved alot and it's awesome (you've developed the most adorable style ever)

Eeeek thank you <3 fmwbkdhwldhwos :DDD And i love your style tooo- like oh my Lord you make the hair so pretty and detailed with with lighting and shading and everything- and the eyes are so cuteeee <3

Wow this is late I'm so sorryyy)) tyyy (imagine taking most of the time shading the hair and eyes cause uh S P A R K L E S)) also can I use ur magical girl version of ur persona for a halarious and wirrd Madoka Magica scratch Fam comic?

Ahahah no worries- but oop *coughs* *points at Cate* and yep sure!! That would be amazing thank you :0