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He's such a cutie!! <333

Thanks! I got him from the creator as part of a trade deal we did (I traded some video games for a ref sheet of Wabi and some art), he said that he'd designed this Caneel for himself, but then didn't want I promised to take good care of it! :D

Rare Caneels the creator didn't often offer as adopts (unless they were trying to make money--usually those were done as customs), so I was very lucky to be given a rare one...the feather/wing mutation is a rarity. :)

That is really lucky and very kind of them! ^w^ Knowing how much you love to draw art for your characters he's definitely in good hands with you~! :D <3

I have several linearts of him that I need to color.................... XD

Seriously, days need to be 40 hours long so I can sleep and work--AND HAVE FUN THINGS TO DO! ;)

I concur with this!!! xD
