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feel free to poke thru my TH! if you were looking for money, how much?

Hey there!! Would you by chance consider a custom? I adore how you design guys! Totally ok if not! I was hoping to get around $200 for the price of the custom plus art but I'm happy to haggle :)

hmm!! i could possibly do one, though im not sure what the wait may look like since i have a few other projects i have to complete too. i usually wouldn't say yes but i reallyyy do like this guy, so if you're down for a bit of a wait then i'd be down to do a custom, just wanted to give the little warning first.

I would totally be fine waiting! It'll give me time to make a really good inspo sheet! I'm happy to mark him pending to you and you can let me know whenever you have the time. Absolutely no rush!

aw sweet! :) i'm down for that!
whenever you have that inspo sheet feel free to send it my way, so that way i'll be ready for when i can start. 

Thank you so much!! I'll get working on it tomorrow 🥰

Hey there! I'm gonna finish up the inspo sheet and send it to you this evening

4 Replies