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Oh I always love your designs. This guy is really calling to me...

I could offer a character from here, if any happen to catch your eye ( (spoiler of the mystery adopt)

If not, I could instead offer a full body flat color sketch (example of a headshot: example of an uncolored full-body sketch: (i don't have any recent full body flat color examples, i apologize for that)) (general art examples: here and here) either as a custom or art of character you already have, if you'd be interested in that. If not, thank you for considering anyway! Hope your day is great :) 

Thank you! I didn't see anyone I would use but I would take art for em!

Do you think you could draw Aki or Ookami?

I believe I can! I usually sketch a few throwaway warmups before I figure out how I'm feeling, so I can't decide which one I'll draw right now, but they both have designs that look super fun to draw :) I can get started with that later tonight

Awesome!! I'm looking forward to it!<3