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Thank you so much!! Colored sketches would be $10 for a headshot/icon, $20 for a portrait, $30 for a full body. For finished/polished drawings it's $20 for headshot/icons, $30 for portraits, $45 for full bodies.

Custom character designs are $20-$25 depending on complexity. 

Let me know whenever you wanna order one!

Ohh I would be super interested in a polished fullbody ;o;; Are you okay with drawing male pony characters? There's a character in one of my stories who I'm really invested in right now that I'm dying to get more art of fdjghdfj

His wings, hooves and horn are like ice! They glitter and shine, especially when he flies - there's a mild cracked effect in his horn but really only because it's more made of ice than the rest of him is, it's not broken or anything. ;v; His general story is that he's an exiled prince from a Northern land and is trying to go home, so he's very withdrawn, doesn't show a lot of emotion much!

Oooh, he's gorgeous! I can draw stallions, I'd love to draw him. Whenever you're ready just let me know and pay here - (I couldn't tell if you're ready to commission me now or not yet I'm sorry ahhh haha)

Thank you so much!! ;O;; I can't wait to see him in your style! I just sent payment over for the fullbody <33

Got it, thank you too!! Do you have any specific pose or expression you'd like for him?

Honestly anything that you think fits his personality would be great! <33 He's a pretty stoic character and doesn't often show a lot of emotion, very regal and can be pretty intimidating/imposing when he wants to be! He's fiercely loyal to his people though ;v; Thank you so much, I'm really excited!! <33

2 Replies